Digital transformation services

VedArc offers architecturally-driven digital transformation services to organisations looking to solve business problems or pursue new opportunities.

Shape your strategy.
Shape your future.

Digital transformation isn't just about the technology and tools you use, it's about the impact that those systems enable you to make. With VedArc, you’ll be confident that the systems and solutions you invest in align with your short and long-term goals.

Our strategies are...

Structured & co-designed

Every business is different, so your strategies should be too. We work collaboratively, asking questions about your organisation in order to provide custom solutions that solve your problems and achieve their goals.

Integrated & aligned

Your digital strategy doesn’t exist in isolation. It’s affected by your objectives and has its own impact on other areas of the business. Our approach aligns your architecture with your business outcomes for effective change.

Actionable & alive

As your business develops and evolves, so too will your strategy. Our frameworks create a living action plan and provide governance for their execution, making a tangible difference to your organisation.

Our transformation services

We work with enterprises and agencies to craft scalable, reliable, and evergreen ecosystems that deliver results.

Digital Strategy

Our consultants produce actionable digital and domain strategies with an agile co-design approach that involves your business stakeholders. If you are looking for a cloud strategy, talk to us.

Investment Cases

Following strategy delivery, we develop ICT investment cases that balance business benefits against costs, providing a solid foundation for your decision-making.

Target Operating Model

Our structured framework empowers organisations with a blueprint for modernisation that aligns people, processes, and technology for the future.

Regulatory Reviews

Specialised in regulatory ICT submission, audits and reviews. Our extensive experience in large-scale ICT transformation projects gives us a thorough understanding of both regulatory reviews and submission processes.


Strategies, investment plans, and reviews that ensure your organisation remains secure-by-design.

Digital Identity

Leverage the new Trust Framework regulations with better, faster, and more cost effective processes for identification.

Artificial Intelligence

Develop an AI/ML strategy to identify use cases, investment, security and ethical considerations, alongside reviewing your key skills base.

Technology Innovation Lab

Establishing a new ICT capability revolves around business transformation. We employ a structured methodology to drive rapid innovation using cutting-edge technology. It's better to encounter failures early on rather than after significant financial investment.

Modern Governance

Ensure your ICT assets remain cutting-edge with models aligned with your architecture practice and governance needs, ensuring your investments align with your strategy.

Application Portfolio Modernisation

Our framework and processes align your application portfolio with business capabilities, driving efficiency and innovation in your technology stack, specifically while moving to the cloud.

Managed Architecture Service (MAS)

Designed to streamline and fast-track your digital transformation, MAS ensures your architecture designs are both innovative and practical.

Our process

At VedArc, our approach to digital transformation services is systematic yet flexible, ensuring we meet your needs at every turn.

Co-design your strategy

We take a strategic, system-wide look at your entire ecosystem to determine the best approach for your organisation and the outcomes you wish to achieve.

Begin the transformation

We put the strategy into action, ensuring the implementation of solutions is smooth, meets agreed timelines and exceeds your expectations.

Ongoing support

Get ongoing advice and implementation support to consistently action your roadmap, move forward, and achieve your goals.

Get started

Subscribe once and enjoy ongoing stability

Save time, money, and resources with our Managed Architecture Services subscription model that covers all bases. We’re on hand, providing everything you need to future-proof your organisation through one centralised consultancy.

Expert guidance

Our team of strategy and architecture practitioners have more than 20 years of experience in the public and private sector. And our help doesn’t end after the consultancy is complete, we also ensure you’re supported during execution.

Intellectual resources

Not only do we have experienced architects who can hit the ground running, but we also have valuable intellectual property resources across strategy, planning, cloud operating models, governance, and more.

Propel your business into the future

Take the next step and discover how our digital consulting services can help you transform and reach your organisational goals.