A new era is dawning for digital identity.

A new era is dawning for digital identity.

May 28, 2024
5 min


The term "Digital identity" has already generated too much debate over its meaning so let's go with the official definition What is digital identity? | NZ Digital government and get on with what this means for you. This concept is becoming increasingly important but has proven achingly difficult to improve for people. Identification and authentication of customers is not done well. It never has been as it was omitted from the very design of the internet. It involves processes tainted by outdated paradigms such as gathering and holding customer data for profiling and targeting. This has led to over collection, privacy breaches, poor experience, and customer disenfranchisement. And with the constant threat of fraudulent misrepresentation using people’s data, we no longer feel in control of our own identities. This is also in the face of increasing challenge from misuse of artificial intelligence to knowledge-based approaches. Where is the trust?


New Zealand’s Digital Identity Services Trust Framework is now law in NZ and in the process of being operationalized through a regulator. This change really is opportunity – a game changer for our digital economy and society. What does this mean for your agency? Are you ready to take advantage? Will you be a source of information for people to share as credentials? Will you be able to consume credentials – reducing your risk, while increasing your efficiency and customer experience?


With modern approaches to digital services, people and enterprises can both enjoy better access, higher security, stronger resilience and richer insight – through a more balanced relationship. People will be able to access the services they are entitled or authorized to without oversharing, and with confidence they can trust the services they are using. Organizations can also trust the evidence they receive and no longer hold personal information unnecessarily – a toxic asset.


VedArc has people that helped architect the very ecosystem that the Trust Framework represents. We can help you understand it and the implications for your customer and user management.