Cloud Operating Model – Get the most value of cloud with the right operating model

Cloud Operating Model – Get the most value of cloud with the right operating model

May 15, 2024
5 min


Moving to the cloud is increasingly becoming a top priority for organisations. However, it can be challenging to leverage the cloud's strategic benefits and scale adoption fully. This is often due to the existing IT operating model being stuck in traditional processes and technologies, which don't align well with the agile nature of the cloud. To capture the true value of the cloud, it is essential to change how IT works and collaborates with the business. A framework can provide a structured path to design and develop the configuration of the future cloud operating model journey.


The journey to a cloud operating model is as important as the destination. It starts with understanding where your organisation stands in its cloud journey and determining the right destination. If you're starting, a good initial step could be introducing a new cloud capability within your existing hybrid IT model (a combination of cloud and traditional IT). This helps build momentum and gain support from key stakeholders. For example, you can begin with productivity services like Office365 before moving on to more complex business applications. However, broader business and IT staff buy-in may still pose a challenge. To ensure success, you need a cloud strategy outlining the business drivers and benefits, along with a realistic roadmap that includes risk assessment and investment planning. If you're further along in your journey, a more transformative change to the operating model may be necessary to fully realise the business value of the cloud. This may involve role changes and restructuring to embed cloud principles into the teams and re-imagining your Operating Model to align with your Cloud Adoption Framework.


The goal is to have an operating model that guides agencies in modernising their people, processes, and technology capabilities in the ICT Application and Operations functions. This alignment with the Cloud Strategy allows for confident scaling of the cloud journey, realising anticipated benefits, and effective management of security risks and cloud costs.


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